Diamond Sponsor for Zero Emission Event at COP26 Named
Morgan Marketing & Communications
The Zero Emission Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) Madadh MacLaine, Secretary-General of ZESTAs (Zero Emission Ship Technology Association) announced Sterling Plan B Energy Solutions (SPBES) will be the Diamond Sponsor for “SHIP ZERO – Charging to Zero”. This 3-day in-person/virtual hybrid event will run from 1-3 November, coinciding with the kick-off of COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland. Sterling PlanB is a world leader in providing energy solutions in the marine sector, with Brent Perry SPBES CEO, and Chair of ZESTAs Board of Directors, considered a subject matter expert in zero emissions power systems-- both on and off the seas-- for decades. “COP 26 needs ZESTAs SHIP ZERO as industry needs to show regulators that we can achieve this. We have what it takes to get to true zero now”. (Brent Perry) The three-day workshop will include robust technical presentations from zero-emissions solutions providers, as well as finance, insurance, classification, and regulators. Speakers’ panels, audience Q&A, and brainstorming sessions will follow each session to facilitate collaborative solution building, as well as giving stakeholders an opportunity to examine how solutions will fit with their individual business cases. “This is not just a talk shop” declared Madadh MacLaine. “SHIP ZERO is about seeing what’s possible, making deals, and getting solutions built from zero-emissions vessels to the infrastructure required to make that happen; ports, shipyards, energy systems, you name it.” The event takes place well before COP26 transport day, which will give the team of researchers and stakeholders time to summarize the outcomes to be taken into consideration by regulators beforehand. A report, film, and programme of actions will be carried forward to COP 27, via the virtual platform, as well as through a programme of concrete actions. “The shipping industry must begin to make change now,” continued Perry, “I know our sector can change course and make a difference in climate change. But it must happen much faster than has been discussed in international fora. Industry can, and should, take the lead. That’s why my company is proud to be sponsoring SHIP ZERO in Glasgow. And we hope a lot of other companies join us.” ““SHIP ZERO” presents a unique opportunity to discuss and create a new vision for the industry with fellow industry thought leaders and initiators in brainstorming breakout groups to formulate ways that policy, finance, market, and technology can all be used to leverage a rapid transition to a true zero-emissions sector.” continued MacLaine. “Our mission is to produce a navigational chart with action waypoints guiding industry to the safe haven of true zero.” There will be networking opportunities throughout the three days, including buffet lunches and drink receptions with hors d’oeuvres at the end of each day. Attendance will be limited through an application process with priority going to first movers, thought leaders, disruptors, influencers, and change-makers. For more information, or to align your company with this even, please visit: Ship ZERO | ZESTAs ( https://zestas.org/ship-zero/ ) Contact Details Morgan Marketing & Communications Carleen Lyden Walker +1 203-260-0480 c.walker@morganmarketcomm.com Company Website https://morganmarketcomm.com/
July 19, 2021 06:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time